Face Masks

We have had an increase in requests from patients for letters of exemption to wearing face masks in various public settings over the last few days.

In England, you must by law wear a face covering on public transport now and in shops and supermarkets as of 24th July 2020.

The Government guidance suggests there is no requirement for evidence for exemption. It should be sufficient for someone to declare that they are eligible for an exemption directly with the person questioning them (eg. bus driver).

Whilst we would urge you to wear a face covering if you possibly can to protect those around you we do know that for some people this raises particular extreme challenges.

There is no Government exemption certificate available, and we as a Practice are unable to provide letters of support for those who believe they should be exempt.

If you feel you need an exemption certificate, there are various printable exemption cards available on the internet, which you can print and use to help explain why you aren’t wearing a face covering if you are unable to do so.

You may wish to look at the following site, for example: